Saturday, April 19, 2008

Bouncy Seat

Saturday afternoon we decided to try out her Pink Boppey Bouncy Seat. I think it looks really comfortable and wouldn't mind an adult size for myself. Her Grandma Crawford bought this for her as a shower gift. I really like the Boppey products, my sister Leslie bought me the traditional Boppey pillow that I love for nursing support!

Sophia loves her bouncy! She has slept in it most of the day, it has a vibration setting and plays music too. She was quite content. All three of us took a great nap today. Jason and I were on either couch and she was snug in her bouncy seat between us. The doggies don't bother her in it, which is also a plus. The blanket she has a swaddler blanker which I am also loving. It has a diagram in it and you put in her in the middle and fold the blanket the way the picture shows and then has velcro tabs for the finish. It stays really tight and is great for dads who haven't played with babies and aren't comfortable swaddling.

It has been a nice day. We haven't had any visitors today and have screened our calls. Jason and I have enjoyed just relaxing with her and catching up on some nap time. We've also loved on our neglected chihuahuas.

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