Saturday, April 19, 2008

First Days Home

Sophia has just been such a joy! She has been sleeping about 4 hours at a time at night...I am so thankful for this! She has also been a great eater. Sometimes she is sleepy but I have learned a few tricks to wake her up.

Sophia loves to save her dirty diapers for her Dad. Daddy starts to change her diaper and he wipes her booty and then boom! She has poop that starts pouring out...Jason is very calm about it and is now a pro at changing diapers. I had several different diapers I had received as samples and left overs from friends. Jason quickly decided he prefers the Pampers Swaddlers. It is so funny to us that we talk about poopy and wet diapers and the colors and which diapers we prefer. We are enjoying every minute of it.

Sophia has so much hair that I am able to put some bows and clips in it already. It has been so much fun to dress her already! I know I am biased but I keep thinking how beautiful she is! She had her first pediatrician appointment on Tuesday. She had gained an ounce back already. The doctor looked her over and says she is doing great. We go back again in 2 weeks.

We have had several visitors since being home. Grandma and Grandpa Crawford stayed all day on Monday and Tuesday since they were here from Des Moines. It was really nice having them here as they got take out for us both nights and spoiled Sophia while Mommy took showers and unpacked from the hospital. We have had a few neighbors over. On Monday I looked at the front windown and saw a neighbor boy with his face pressed against the glass. I think the 8' pink stork in the yard has drawn some curiosity from the neighbor kids.

Thursday night Grandma and Grandpa VB came to visit. Grandpa VB loves to hold Sophia which is so sweet since he is such a big guy, she looks so sweet in his arms. Grandma VB made a really nice dinner for us that was so nice. Most of you know how much I like to cook!

Friday night our good friends Jeff and Cheri Smith brought carry out over for us and we ate dinner together. It was so yummy! Jeff and Cheri had a baby girl Hailey in December so we took some pics of them together. Later our friends Ed and Renee popped over to see Sophia. Renee is due in May with a baby girl Bella. We are so excited Sophia will have so many playmates.

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