Saturday, April 19, 2008

Sophia Elle Van Buskirk

Sophia Elle Van Buskirk was born on Friday April 11, 2008 at Parkview Hospital North in Fort Wayne, IN. She weighed 8 lbs. 3 oz. and was 22" long with a full head of dark hair.

We arrived at the hospital at 6:45 am in the morning for a scheduled induction. After being hooked up to monitors we discovered I was already in early labor and 3-4 cm dilated. At 8:15 am they hooked me up to the induction drugs and we were ready to roll. There was really no action until about 1:15 pm when I felt the contractions were strong enough for me to receive the epidural. At 2:00 the nurse broke my water and by 6:00 that evening I was fully dilated. My epidural did not work very well and I felt every contraction. This did allow me to know when to push without looking at the monitor. At 6:55 her head had crowned and Jason started crying when he saw the all the dark hair! Dr. Rumsey came in at this time and a few pushes later Miss Sophia was born at 7:07 pm.

They immediately laid her on me and Jason and I both cried. It was such an emotional moment that neither of us will ever forget. It was amazing to see her and hold her after 9 months of fantasizing what she would look like! This was our first family photo.

1 comment:

Carol Van Atta, Princess Warrior said...

Wow! Your new baby story and photos brought tears to my eyes. There is nothing like that first moment. Mine are 9 and 15 now ... ah the newborn days! God bless your growing family! Carol