Monday, April 21, 2008

My Neighbor Friends

My dear neighbor Sheri Kautz brought us dinner tonight. She brought some helpers to carry all the goodies in. I saw the little troops coming up the back deck. They all looked so cute. They politely asked if they could look at the baby, and I gave my permission. Sheri and I were chatting and I looked over and they were all huddling over her. Not one of them tried to touch her but they were so engrossed with watching her. I couldn't help but snag this picture. Sophia had her eyes wide open and seemed to be watching them back. I feel so blessed to have such great neighbors and their well behaved children!

1 comment:

Rhonda VB said...

This just cracks me up! Sophia sure looks like she's letting them in on a big secret or maybe "telling them how it is". She has their attention! So darling of all of them!